IPH - Institute of Hospital Research

Library Books

Hotel: Planejamento e Projeto Nelson ANDRADE, Paulo Lucio de BRITO, Wilson Edson JORGE Senac São Paulo - SP, Brasil - 5ª edição - 2002

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Mobile Medical Vehicles Calumet Coach Company Chicago, EUA - 1ª edição - 1974

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Disinfection and Sterilization Ernest C. Mc CULLOCH Lea & Febiger EUA - 2ª edição - 1946

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The McPherson Experiment: Expanded Community Hospital Service John R. GRIFFITH, Lewis E. WEEKS, James H. SULLIVAN University of Michigan EUA - 1ª edição - 1967

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Planning and Equipping the Nursing Home U.S. Departament of Health, Education, and Welfare EUA - 1ª edição - 1956

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