IPH - Institute of Hospital Research

Publications IPH Magazine IPH Magazine Nº 11 Editorial - IPH Magazine, 11

Editorial - IPH Magazine, 11 IPH
We are glad to offer you the eleventh edition of IPH Magazine, which is the electronic version of our former print publication. This issue brings the excellent article by the Swedish architect and Professor Alan Dilani who proposes a new way of thinking the architecture of establishments from the "salutogenic" paradigm. This is the first time this article is translated into Portuguese and it sums up the conference he gave at the VI CBDEH - Congresso Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento do Edifício Hospitalar  (Brazilian Congress for the Development of Hospital Buildings) undertaken in Florianópolis in August of 2014.

There is also an interview with the architect and Professor Siegbert Zanettini, from São Paulo, where he tells us a little bit of his pioneer course in architecture while sharing his viewpoint of the world. This edition also brings contributions from Professor Dr. Ana Amora Albano, from Fiocruz, covering the relationship between healthy architecture and the city; and from Professor Dr. Maurício Waldman and co-authors, who talk about the health of recyclable material collectors. 

The cover presents a sketch made by Jarbas Karman, the rotational intersection, which is the drawing of a revolving door that would organize the hospital flow in a mechanic manner. The project was not put into practice; it was however foreseen in the pilot plan of a hospital in Angola. This preliminary study presents a solution not yet definitive to the problem hospitals face concerning the internal flow of its corridors, which is shared by the general public and the hospital?s staff undertaking their regular service.

Just like the rotational intersection designed by Jarbas Karman, another wheel, now of life, has spun, giving closure to some cycles in 2014. We lost two architects who gave their contribution in the building of Brazilian hospitals. On May 21, died João Filgueiras Lima, Lelé; and on September 21, Domingos Fiorentini, who worked as Jarbas' co-author between 1981 and 2006. 

As 2014 came to an end, we welcomed 2015, another cycle, with new architects searching for new solutions for healthcare-related matters. 
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