IPH - Institute of Hospital Research

Jarbas Karman Biography

Jarbas Bela Karman 

(Campanha, MG - April 13 1917 - São Paulo, SP - June 2 2008)

He was a civil engineer, (Poli - USP, 1941), architect (FAU - USP, 1947), professor and hospital administrator. He got his master's degree in Hospital Architecture from Yale University (USA, 1952) and attended a course on hospital infection taught by Prof. Carl Walter, in Kitchener (Ontario), Canada, in 1952.

He founded IPH - Brazilian Institute for Hospital Research and Development[1] in 1954, the supporter of the Latin America's first Hospital Administration Graduation Course (accredited by MEC in 1973), of which he was director and head of the Hospital Architecture discipline. He was editor at Hospital de Hoje magazine and wrote Planejamento de Hospitais[2]Iniciação à Arquitetura Hospitalar e Manutenção Hospitalar Preditiva[3], Manual de Manutenção Hospitalar[4], Manutenção e Segurança Hospitalar Preditivas[5], as well as numerous articles about healthcare institutions. His researches within the hospital field are reference for national and international publications. Karman also taught several courses and lectured both in Brazil and abroad.

He planned and reshaped hundreds of healthcare institutions, such as Hospital Albert Einstein  (São Paulo, 1958), Hospital São Domingos (Uberaba, MG, 1960), Hospital Aeronáutica do Galeão (Rio de Janeiro, 1967), Hospital Atibaia (Atibaia, SP, 1968), Instituto Nacional del Cancer y Quemados (Capiata, Paraguai, 1984), Hospital Geral de Canelones (Canelones, Uruguai, 1986), Hospital Cardiominas (Belo Horizonte, 1988), Hospital Santa Cruz (Lisboa, Portugal, 1991), Hospital São Judas Tadeu - Fundação Pio XII (Barretos, SP, 1993), Hospital das Clínicas de Luanda (Luanda, Angola, 2005) and Hospital Geral de Palmas (Palmas, TO, 2006), among many others.

[1] Currently called IPH - Architect Jarbas Karman Healthcare Research Institute.

[2] Published by the Commission for Hospital Planning - São Paulo division of IAB (Brazil's Institute of Architects), formed by: Architect Amador Cintra do Prado, Architect Jarbas B. Karman and Architect Rino Levi, 1954.

[3] Technical publishing edited by IPH, São Paulo, 1972.

[4] KARMAN, Jarbas. Manual de Manutenção Hospitalar. São Paulo: Pini, 1994 (ISBN: 85-7266-039-9).

[5] KARMAN, Jarbas. Manutenção e Segurança Hospitalar Preditivas. São Paulo: Estação Liberdade, IPH: 2011 (ISBN: 978-85-7448-189-0).

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