IPH - Institute of Hospital Research

Publications IPH Magazine IPH Magazine Nº 11

Capa Revista IPH Nº 11
Uma Abordagem Salutogênica em Relação ao Projeto de Ambientes Médicos no Setor Público Enquanto a prática clínica foca no tratamento de doenças, existe um grande número de pesquisas que sugerem que a qualidade de tudo o que nos cerca cotidianamente é muito importante para a manutenção do bem-estar.
Entrevista com o Arquiteto Siegbert Zanettini Num belo dia de sol, a equipe do IPH teve o prazer de ser recebida por Zanettini, em seu escritório na Vila Olímpia, para uma conversa sobre os últimos 60 anos de arquitetura, a formação de arquitetos, a arquitetura hospitalar e, claro, sobre a visão de c
A moderna arquitetura de saúde e a cidade Ana Albano Amora discorre sobre a evolução do edifício hospitalar, partindo do processo de urbanização francesa baseado em noções de salubridade, no século XVIII, passando pela reconstrução do Hotel Dieu, que gerou uma série de constatações científicas a
Capa Revista IPH Nº 11 IPH Magazine Nº 11 December / 2014
The IPH Magazine is an interdisciplinary publication with a technical and scientific approach that is edited every semester and maintains the same original goals as IPH publications, which are: to disseminate and promote knowledge in Architecture, Engineering, Administration and other fields that contribute for the improvement of health facilities construction and management.

IPH Magazine works in an ongoing flow. There are deadlines for the authors to send in their work to be published in each semester's edition: April and November. Next deadline: September, 9th.

We welcome works from students, professionals and researchers that help widening the knowledge in the fields of architecture, engineering, administration, design and other areas, considering that the core of their study be the study of health buildings.

The magazine has different sections; please make sure to verify the rules for submission and the section's tables before subscribing your work.

In case of doubts, criticism or suggestions, please contact us: revista@iph.org.br
  • Editorial - IPH Magazine, 11 IPH We are glad to offer you the eleventh edition of IPH Magazine, which is the electronic version of our former print publication.
  • Interview with Architect Siegbert Zanettini IPH On a beautiful sunny day, IPH's team had the pleasure to visit Zanettini at his office in Vila Olímpia to talk about the last 60 years in architecture, about architects' college education concerning hospital architecture and, of course, about his idea of how good architecture should be. Our talk lasted until the beginning of the afternoon and here we transcribe part of it to our readers.
  • A Salutogenic Approach to the Design of the Physical Environment in Public Sector Alan Dilani While clinical practice focuses on treating illness, there's also a raft of research to suggest that the quality of our everyday surroundings has a highly important role to play in sustaining wellness.
  • The modern architecture focused on health and the city Ana Albano Amora To talk about the modern architecture focused on health and the city we must first analyze the elements in this title in order to understand how they relate. The discussion concerning a sane city, clean and harmless to the common health is not new; it is a line of thinking that has been in the base of the modern notions regarding the city and the hospital architecture. The fight for salubrious cities takes us back, without anachronisms, to the 18th century Europe and to the origins of modern...
  • Work and Health: A Study on Recyclable Material Collectors in Poços de Caldas, MG Maurício Waldman, Cristiane Aparecida Silveira, Yula de Lima Merola, Juliana Loro Ferreira Research on Recyclable Material Collectors in Poços de Caldas, MG funded by the Ministry of Health through the Education through work for Health Program - PET-Saúde, in partnership with the Poços de Caldas´s Health Bureau.
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