IPH - Institute of Hospital Research

Publications IPH Magazine

Download Revista IPH Nº18 December / 2021
Conselho Editorial
Edição Nº 18 · Dezembro de 2021

Fabio Bitencourt
Jorgeny Catarina Gonçalves
Marilena Pacios
Ricardo Karman - diretoria@iph.org.br

Marcio Nascimento de Oliveira - marcioarquiteto@gmail.com

Expediente IPH
Erick Vicente - erick@iph.org.br
Maria Fernanda - Mendes acervo@iph.org.br
Renata Baralle - biblioteca@iph.org.br
Rita Moraes - secretaria@iph.org.br

Projeto Gráfico
Nathalia Duran
Rafael Letizio

Imagem da capa
Hospital Sul América
Arquitetura: Oscar Niemeyer
Fonte: Hospital de Hoje, vol. 10, pg. 96

  • IPH Magazine Nº18 Prof. Arch. Marcio Nascimento de Oliveira
  • The therapeutic garden Moya, Valentina - Cedrés de Bello, Sonia - Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo - Universidade Central da Venezuela This article discusses the effects of gardens on health and satisfaction of users in hospital environments. Based on a literature review, a selection of studies was carried out to highlight the most relevant concepts, and that have contributed to deepen the understanding of therapeutic gardens, presenting some examples of projects that incorporate these concepts and the theories that underpin them. This document is part of a more comprehensive research that aims to identify the implications,...
  • Hospital Sul América and the modern design in health architecture Elza Maria Alves Costeira In this article, we present the Hospital da Lagoa, in Rio de Janeiro, aiming to highlight its architecture as a representative of Brazilian heritage modern hospital. Designed by Oscar Niemeyer and Hélio Uchôa, this hospital configured a model of care of its time, evidencing the forms of illness, treatment, and cure. With an architecture able to absorb new technologies, meant a pioneering approach to environmental comfort and humanization, incorporating tile panels of Athos Bulcão and...
  • RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PLANNING AND CARRYING OUT RENOVATION WORKS IN FUNCTIONAL HOSPITALS Ramon Nascimento Planning renovation works in operational hospital environments is a complex activity, which requires careful and a multiprofessional knowledge that goes beyond engineering, entering the spheres of nursing and medicine. With this article, we try to contribute to the dissemination of good practices in this field, through a methodology aimed at generating planning recommendations. During the investigation of the minimum care necessary for the planning and execution of renovation works...
  • How spatial syntax can help mitigate the effect of future pandemics in Brazil Dra. Maria Eleusa Montenegro, Dr. Paulo Afonso Cavichioli Carmona, Dra. Eliete de Pinho Araújo, Msc. Paulo César Galante Siqueira - Centro Universitário de Brasília - UniCEUB The main objective of this study was to establish the relationship between the spread of Covid-19 in Brazil and federal highways. The spatial syntax, a field of study of urbanism, was used to analyze the space and its relationship with people, being the level of integration of the pathways the dominant factor. In this research, the level of integration of the highways was allied to the density map of those infected with the virus, thus allowing us to analyze the relationship between...
  • A reflection on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on architecture and urbanism Msc. Paulo César Galante Siqueira, Dra. Maria Eleusa Montenegro This article aims to show how the moment of social isolation, lived more intensely in the year 2020, can change the parameters of residences in the future. The methodology used was that of explanatory research, in which we analyzed studies that show that the low plants of the houses, and their changes over time, provide an x-ray of the economic-social context lived at the time of their project. The impacts experienced in 2020 should generate a new demand, of a new product...
  • Floor covering of hospital floors: Case study of the vinyl blanket applied in a hospital in Salvador, BA Bruna Pereira Magalhães The vinyl blanket is a type of floor covering composed of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) that has been widely used in hospital environments for offering low cost, different sizes and colors, easy applicability, and maintenance. The aim of this article was to analyze the application of vinyl blanket in the largest public hospital in the North and Northeast, located in the city of Salvador, Bahia, in order to improve its application in these environments. This analysis was developed through a case...
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