IPH - Institute of Hospital Research

College IPH - IPH - Instituto de Pesquisas Hospitalares Arquiteto Jarbas Karman

IPH's Graduation Course

IPH's Hospital Administration Graduation Course, the first one in Brazil, started its activities on February 1 1974 with an opening class lectured by Niversindo Cherubin, the Ministry of Health's coordinator of Medical Assistance at the time, at the noble room of Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus, Pompeia. By the end of 1976, the first students graduated and soon after, in February 1977, the course was recognized by the Federal Government (Enactment number 79268-77).

The Administration Course was pioneer in its field and very active during the 70's and 80's, being recognized as a reference in teaching hospital administrators in Brazil. 

During the 90's the course faced some financial difficulties, due to an increasing competition and even though the efforts to improve the situation, in 2008 IPH requested the Higher Education Secretary (SESu) to terminate its accreditation as a Administration Graduation Course, hence shutting down all the courses once supported.
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