IPH - Instituto de Pesquisas Hospitalares

Biblioteca Livros

The New Keleket Dermatological Unit Keleket X-Ray Corporation EUA - - 0

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The Organization, Construction and Management of Hospitals Albert J. OCHSNER Cleveland Press Chicago, EUA - 1ª edição - 1907

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The Peckham Experiment: A study of the living structure of society Innes H. PEARSE; Lucy H. CROCKER Yale University Press EUA - 2ª edição - 1947

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The Practice of Psychiatry in General Hospitals A. E. BENNET; Eugene A. HARGROVE; Bernice ENGLE University of California Press EUA - 1ª edição - 1956

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The Principles and Practice of Sound Insulation J. E. R. CONTABLE, K. M. CONSTABLE Pitman Londres, Inglaterra - 1ª edição - 1949

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