IPH - Instituto de Pesquisas Hospitalares

Biblioteca Livros

The Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Medical Records Chicago, EUA - 1ª edição - 1963

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The Processing of Nursing Bottles The Southern Cross Manufacturing Corp. EUA - - 1959

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The Psychoanlytic Study of the Child Anna FREUD et all. International Universities Press Nova Iorque, EUA - 2ª edição - 1946

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The Quarter Century: A review of the first twenty-five year 1925-1950: School of Medicine and Denstistry, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester Municipal Hospital The University of Rochester The University of Rochester Rochester, NY, EUA - 1ª edição - 1950

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The Recovery Room: Immediate Postoperative Management Max. S. SADOVE; James H. CROSS W. B. Saunders Company EUA - 1ª edição - 1956

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