IPH Magazine
The IPH Magazine is an interdisciplinary publication with a technical and scientific approach that is edited every year and maintains the same original goals as IPH publications, which are: to disseminate and promote knowledge in Architecture, Engineering, Administration and other fields that contribute for the improvement of health facilities construction and management.
IPH Magazine works in an ongoing flow. There are deadlines for the authors to send in their work to be published in each year´s edition.
We welcome works from students, professionals and researchers that help widening the knowledge in the fields of architecture, engineering, administration, design and other areas, considering that the core of their study be the study of health buildings.
The magazine has different sections; please make sure to verify the rules for submission and the section's tables before subscribing your work.
In case of doubts, criticism or suggestions, please contact us: contato@iph.org.br
ISSN 2358-3630
Mail Address
IPH - Instituto de Pesquisas Hospitalares Arquiteto Jarbas Karman
Rua Vargem do Cedro, 74 - Sumaré
ZIP Code 01252-050
Phone. +55 11 3868-4830
E-mail: contato@iph.org.br
Website: http://www.iph.org.br/revista-iph
Magazine IPH Nº20 December / 2023
Magazine IPH Nº20 December / 2023
Editorial boardFabio BitencourtJorgeny Catarina GonçalvesMarilena PaciosRicardo Karman - directorate@iph.org.br EditorMarcio Nascimento de Oliveira - marcioarquiteto@gmail.com IPH teamCarolina Caldeira carolina@iph.org.brErick Vicente erick@iph.org.br Maria Fernanda Mendes acervo@iph.org.br Renata Baralle biblioteca@iph.org.br Rita Moraes secretaria@iph.org.br Graphic DesignNathalia Duran TranslationSpanish Martin y Claudia CadilloEnglish Marina JaroucheCover imageShaare...
IPH Library It is with great satisfaction that I greet all the readers of the Magazine of
the Institute of Hospital Research Jarbas Karman (IPH) and thank you for
being with us on this special occasion: our twentieth edition.
Previous Issues
Magazine IPH Nº19 Revista IPH Nº18 Revista IPH Nº17 IPH Magazine #16 Revista IPH Nº 15 IPH Magazine, issue #14
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