IPH - Institute of Hospital Research

Publications IPH Magazine Annals of Summaries: 38th Congress of Hospital Administration and Health Management Summary: Transparency and Contact with Patient's Safety - The Health Institution's Viewpoint

Revista IPH Nº 12
Summary: Transparency and Contact with Patient's Safety - The Health Institution's Viewpoint Antônio Carlos Onofre de Lira
The presentation "Transparency and Contact with Patient's Safety - the Health Institution's viewpoint" used social determiners of health and disease and referential milestones to present the Hospital Sírio-Libanês' experience. The communication and mobilization happen with the alignment of managing forums with the following structure: executive committee, broaden committee, meeting with managers and departments. The mobilization of the clinical board is built after the participation in commissions. The communication tools are institutional magazines, campaigns, bimonthly reports, intranet, electronic report, Doctor's Webpage, Patient's Webpage. Another important tool is the development assessment undertaken with the entire clinical board that receives an annual letter to evaluate the performance. The meeting to discuss adverse events is monthly and open to professionals outside the institution, its goal is to point out and encourage actions of improvement based on what has happened. The institutional performance is assessed within the group of better medical practices - ANAPH - comparing the hospital's performance with the performance from the other intitutions.
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