IPH - Institute of Hospital Research

Publications IPH Magazine Annals of Summaries: 38th Congress of Hospital Administration and Health Management Summary: Undergoing the Construction - Managing Operations

Revista IPH Nº 12
Summary: Undergoing the Construction - Managing Operations Antônio Carlos Cascão
In the presentation "Managing Operations", the lecturer briefly introduced the Hospital Sírio-Libanês and approached the theme through the following topics: Project and Budgets, Planning and Construction. In Project and Budgets, he discussed aspects regarding the Executive Project (Functional Program, Estimate Budget, Site Premises, Details, Specification and Compatibility) and the Budget - both Physical and Financial. In Planning and Construction, he discussed aspects of the actions to Mitigate Management Detours (Change of Scope, Quality, Environmental, Safety, Physical and Financial Control, Commissioning), Risk Management and Financial Physical Planning.
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