IPH - Institute of Hospital Research

Publications IPH Magazine Annals of Summaries: 38th Congress of Hospital Administration and Health Management Summary: Managing the Care: The Experience behind the Sociedade Beneficente de Senhoras Hospital Sírio-Libanês

Revista IPH Nº 12
Summary: Managing the Care: The Experience behind the Sociedade Beneficente de Senhoras Hospital Sírio-Libanês Antônio Carlos Onofre de Lira
The lecture "Managing the Care: The Experience behind the Sociedade Beneficente de Senhoras Hospital Sírio-Libanês" presented the matter of the clinical management based on the Hospital Sírio-Libanês' experience. The social determinants of health and disease were presented as cultural context adding to the demographic transition, the changes in disease distribution and to the specific conditions of living in a contemporary world, making this context even more complex. The main challenge purposed was to improve health and the service provided to its users; to that end, the notion of clinical governance applied to HSL was discussed. HSL's assistance management is patient-driven, assuring quality and safety with multiple actions that guarantee good communication between the parts involved and mobilization.
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