IPH - Institute of Hospital Research

Publications IPH Magazine Annals of Summaries: 38th Congress of Hospital Administration and Health Management Summary: Planning HR to Serve - the Workforce Blackout in the Health System

Revista IPH Nº 12
Summary: Planning HR to Serve - the Workforce Blackout in the Health System Marcelo Jorge Sonneborn
The lecture "Planning HR to Serve - the Workforce Blackout in the Health System" brought the experience of the Mãe de Deus' Health System when facing HR planning issues to fulfill the organization's strategies. Considering the HR current phase - known as "responsible for encouraging business" and having as goals: indentifying tendencies in business, gathering intellectual capital to the business, applying competencies and talents to the business; establishing those responsible for encouraging success within HR management and serving as the base for new business - the plan for Managing Human Capital was divided into operational and strategic. As a consequence, we saw the creation of: programs to educate professionals according to the SSMD strategic needs; development programs to develop and identify professionals for key-positions and the tracking of existent professionals ready to take over new positions and challenges as part of the bank of talents. All these actions have shown positive outcomes.
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