IPH - Institute of Hospital Research

Publications IPH Magazine Annals of Summaries: 38th Congress of Hospital Administration and Health Management Summary: The "Amicão" Project

Revista IPH Nº 12
Summary: The "Amicão" Project Maria Cristina Lacerda
The "Amicão Project" approaches the use of animals in the hospital environment. This method was introduced in 1997 in Brazil by the veterinarian and psychologist Dra. Hannelore Zucks and it is called zoo therapy or therapy assisted by animals. It is mainly used for children, the elderly and with patients with mental illness. The therapy with dogs does not promise cure, however it promotes physical and mental benefits, such as better motor capacity, better immunologic system, improvement of the depression symptoms;  it decreases anxiety and blood pressure, enhances socialization and self-esteem.

  • To provide to patients and children a experience that is different from the strict hospital environment; 
  • To encourage motor activity in children and the elderly; 
  • To reduce anxiety and stress among patients and family members; 
  • To enhance socialization among patients, family members and health professionals; 
  • Release the tension from the work team.

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