IPH - Institute of Hospital Research

Publications IPH Magazine IPH Magazine 13th: Annals The Apthapi as Innovation Strategy in the Humanization of Healthcare Hospitality

Capa revista 13
The Apthapi as Innovation Strategy in the Humanization of Healthcare Hospitality Ramiro Narváez Fernández
The "Apthapi" is an Aymara term, it constitutes an ancestral heritage of the native peoples of western Bolivia, which means "pick of the crop" meanings "communal meal"; the concept is "TO SHARE" is a space of unity, reconciliation and reciprocity, it is a very important value that our hospital has adopted as a humanization strategy in an intercultural environment, meeting in the "taypi health" in Andean cosmogony is the command center of a whole time-spatial, the meeting point of all parties, it is mediation, balance and convergence in the world of dualities; finally, it means convergence, complementarity and reciprocity, to resolve the contradictions, this is the hospital conceptually for us.

So it's not only building, technology, it is fundamentally "ajayu" soul, which is understood in the Andean world as the force that contains the feelings and reason, it is also treated as the center of a being who feels and thinks; it is the cosmic energy that generates and gives the movement of life. People are responsible for giving all this vitality; and therefore, by serving others, we share VALUES, PRINCIPLES, FEARS, UNCERTAINTIES, KNOWLEDGE, CULTURE AND VITAL HEALTH CONCEPT COMPREHENSIVE AND INCLUSIVE OF "SUMAQMAÑA". It is all about trying to recover our ancestral values, to serve and to the service of our patients, who come from different socioeconomic and cultural levels, and in some cases have not had the chance to grow up in a family, or have a house, as in the case of children living and working on the streets of the city of La Paz and El Alto, other indigenous peoples and peasants, historically excluded for various reasons, they have to come to our hospital for health reasons.

"Not only to try to heal, but mainly to take care and accompany" is our principle, by building trust and living the experience of our patients, we welcome, accompany and provide services, certificates and committed to quality, safety and our ancient culture and ancient. Respecting the values and dignity of patients, delivering the best we have, humanism and professionalism, teamwork, respecting rights and bioethical principles, and basically sharing "values".

Ramiro Narváez Fernández
Pediatrician; Master in Hospital Management; Professor of Graduate University of San Andres (Guest); Director General Hospital Arco Iris; President of the Bolivian Association of Hospitals; President of the Bolivian Society of Telemedicine and Medical Informatics.
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