IPH - Institute of Hospital Research

Publications IPH Magazine IPH Magazine 13th: Annals Implementation Careers & Salaries: New Paradigms and Opportunities

Capa revista 13
Implementation Careers & Salaries: New Paradigms and Opportunities Alessandra Itri de Menezes
We can define Career and Salary Plan - PCS - as the set of rules governing the people management structure of a company. The PCS aims basically to provide employees growth and professional development; balance the organizational climate; structure the management of people; clarify the company's criteria in relation to wages and their respective positions; set working hours, ordinary and special, overtime; bonuses and extra benefits.

The PCS is important to ensure internal and external balance of positions and salaries, i.e., according to the reality of the labor market, finding the best way to motivate and retain talent, and protect the company from possible labor liabilities generated by the internal imbalance of salaries, differences that can bring people management issues with requests for equal pay, for example.

When we consider the implementation of a Career and Salary Plan, first, we think on how laborious is its preparation, which involves market research on applied salaries, specifying all positions and respective activities of all company.

Then we imagine that all employees feel motivated and will engage increasingly in the common goal to develop and grow the corporate and personal point of view.

However, the day-to-day shows that, after the implementation of PCS, the motivation is compromised and the PCS is seen as a problem and not as a solution and means of motivating and retaining talent.

This can occur for several reasons, but the main reasons involve:

  1. Failure in internal communication of the company, generating lack of clarity of information on the activities that each employee should play in their respective position and function;
  2. The use of "false promotion", moving an employee from a function (activity performed effectively) to another, but keeping him in the same position (depending on the classification) and with the same salary;
  3. "Create" very divided positions, in which, inevitably, developers will end up performing the same tasks, although in different positions;

Legally, the aforementioned problems, will eventually generate labor claims seeking almost always pay gap equalization, change of role and accumulation of roles, precisely because of the "confusion and mix of activities" that ends up forming when the Career and Salary Plan is not sufficiently clear and properly applied.

Specifically, in the health area we will have a higher probability of labor demands in the administrative area of the hospital or institution, but also in respect to the supervisor and coordinator positions, in this case involving doctors, nurses and other employees.

Today, likewise, two issues that generate controversy on the PCS are the need of being or not compulsory the approval of the Career and Salary Plan by the Ministry of Labor and Employment and the mandatory use of electronic clock, after the enactment of Decree 1,510 of MTE.

So in addition to discuss and clarify the possible risks the company is exposed to when you deploy the Career and Salary Plan, we want to provide mechanisms and solutions to prevent possible labor actions and greater effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation of the Career and Salary Plan.

Alessandra Itri de Menezes
Bachelor of Laws from Universidade São Judas Tadeu in 1997. Postgraduate in Law Work Material and Labor Process by the School of Law - ESA. Master's Degree in Labor Law from PUC / SP. Assistant teaching of labor law courses at ESA-SP.
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